Damselfish are small, tropical, marine fish of the family Pomacentridae (order Perciformes). They are mostly popular for their
aquarium significance. Most damselfish species have bright colors or strongly contrasting patterns which makes them precious for
aquarium uses. Beside aquarium values, they are valuable because of their ecological and economic worth. Therefore, an appropriate
estimation of their abundance is an important task. In fact, proper abundance estimation is a prerequisite for environmental
monitoring and commercial fishery activities. However, conventional techniques of such estimation suffer from several drawbacks. In
this paper, we propose an acoustic signal processing technique for estimating the abundance of damselfish that can overcome the major
drawbacks of the conventional techniques. In the proposed scheme, the estimation is based on the vocalizing nature of this fish species
and cross-correlation technique. Our goal is not only proposing an efficient estimation technique but also measure its performance
from different distributions of fishes. We have considered four different distributions - Exponential, Normal, Rayleigh, and Gamma.
Among these four distributions, the Exponential distribution of damselfish produce better results in MATLAB simulation for the
proposed technique