An occupational noise evaluation was carried out by a Massey University student on passengers and aircrew whilst flying aboard a regional commuter turboprop aircraft. Not all measurements conducted as part of the study showed compliance with the criteria for workplace noise
exposure prescribed in Regulation 11 of the Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995. The health and safety noise criterion level permit a maximum dose of 100% which is equivalent to 85 dB LAeq for a normalised 8-hour working day. The highest measured sound exposure was 281% of the total permitted exposure. All noise measurements were observed and written accounts were taken by the
investigator. The observations were useful in removing any atypical results and reinforced the value of observed real time field monitoring during collection of data. A series of recommendations were made to the airline operator including develop a Company Noise Policy and review the typical daily working hours of all aircrew when flying the subject aircraft.