News items of interest to the membership of the Acoustical Society of New Zealand are posted here.
News items can only be posted by society council members and other registered users. If you have any news items you want posted, please contact the society.
Internoise 2012
Internoise 2012 will be held this year in the heart of New York City, 19-22 August, at the Marriott Marquis hotel.
Click here to learn more about the session topics, find guidance for writing abstracts and papers, and to submit your abstract. Papers were due 15 May 2012.
Internoise 2012 will feature, along with the technical program, a sold out exposition of over 60 vendors displaying noise and vibration control materials, analysis software, and measurement systems and instrumentation, a series of 14 short courses on noise and vibration preceding and following the conference and Plenary sessions on City Noise Codes, the Effects of Noise on Children, and Airport Noise.
21st Biennial Conference
The 21st Biennial Conference of the Acoustical Society of New Zealand will be held in Wellington on September 6th and 7th, 2012.
Participants are invited to submit papers on topics relevant to the society in all areas of acoustics.
See the Conference link for more info.
Conference abstract deadline extended
The abstract deadline for the 21st biennial conference has been extended to 13th July 2012.
Conference registration open
The organisation of the 21st Biennial conference is now well underway and there will be an interesting and stimulating programme for attendees.
Registration is now OPEN, so please sign up for what will be a great conference experience. Circle September 6 & 7, 2012 on your calendars.
G6 Workshop
The first morning of the conference will be a workshop on the proposed revision to clause G6 of the New Zealand Building Code. Staff from the Building and Housing Group of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment will be attending so this will be a valuable opportunity to give feedback.
Keynote Talk
On day two there will be a keynote talk: "Noise Source Identification" given by Bernard Ginn from Bruel and Kjaer, Denmark.
Bernard has been with B&K for many years and has a wealth of experience in noise measurement. We are looking forward to hearing him speak.
We look forward to seeing you in Wellington at the conference.
The ASNZ Council
21st Biennial Conference Update
We are pleased to announce that there will be a second keynote presentation at the conference, on the topic of wind power and noise, given by Paul Botha, who is the Wind Technical Strategy Manager at Meridian Energy. Wind power is a current and important topic in New Zealand acoustics and we are looking forward to benefiting from Paul's considerable experience in this area.
We have also allowed one-day registration at the conference for those who are only able to attend one of the two days. The new registration form is now available on this website.
We look forward to seeing you in Wellington in September.
ASNZ Council.
The ASNZ conference was great!
The 21st Biennial ASNZ Conference is now over.
It was a great conference. There was a lot of heart and positivity, as well as some good nitty-gritty in the G6 workshop.
Thanks a lot to the keynote speakers Paul Botha and Bernard Ginn, and to all our other presenters.
Also a heart-felt thanks to the conference organisers who put in such a grand effort.
NZ Acoustics 2012, issue 3
Issue 3 (2012) of NZ Acoustics was published and sent out last month, and should be in everyone's hands now. Articles from the issue are now on the website.
NZ Acoustics 2012, issue 4
Issue 4 (2012) of NZ Acoustics was published and sent out last month, and should be in everyone's hands now. Articles from the issue will be on the website soon.
NZ Acoustics 2013, Issue 1
Issue 1 (2013) of NZ Acoustics has just been published and sent out. It should be in everyone's hands now. Articles from the issue are on the website now.
CPD Scheme
Information about ASNZ's Continuing Professional Development Scheme uploaded
NZ Acoustics 2013 Issue 3 is out
New Zealand Acoustics journal issue 3 should be in the hands of subscribers now.
We will post the original articles on the web site soon.
ASNZ Conference 2014 – Christchurch City
All ASNZ Members please note the Acoustical Society of New Zealand 22nd Biennial Conference “Acoustics in a Rebuilding City” is to be held in beautiful Christchurch City 24/25 November 2014.
Further updates and information to follow in the upcoming ‘New Zealand Acoustics’ Journal.
ASNZ conference 2014
The conference is done and dusted. Thanks to all who attended, helped, and sponsored.
NZ Acoustics vol 27 issue 3
Articles for NZ Acoustics volume 27 issue 3 have been posted on thw website
2015 NZ Acoustics Issue 1 out soon
The first Volume of the 2015 'New Zealand Acoustics' Magazine is currently at print and will be posted across the next few weeks to members.
NZTA Draft Guide to the management of reverse sensitivity effect
The NZ Transport Agency is updating its policy guidance on managing reverse sensitivity effects on the state highway network. We have now released a draft Guide to the management of reverse sensitivity effects on the state highway network for public consultation. This guide describes how the Transport Agency manages reverse sensitivity, working together with territorial authorities and landowners or developers. Once finalised this updated guidance will replace the Transport Agency’s existing reverse sensitivity guidance contained within our 2007 Planning Policy Manual. The new guide maintains the same overall approach by encouraging the separation of noise sensitive activities from the state highway network. It documents current good practice and provides information that can be applied to avoid adverse health effects for people living or working in new and altered buildings located near to state highways.
Following extensive internal consultation the Transport Agency is now seeking your feedback to ensure the refined guidance in the draft is practical, efficient and effective. In particular, comment is sought from developers, local government, planning, legal and acoustics professionals working in this area.
A copy of the draft Guide to the management of reverse sensitivity effects on the state highway network and our feedback form can be found here.
Additional feedback should be sent to: by Friday 17th April 2015
2015 NZ Acoustics Issue 2 Out Soon
The second volume of the 2015 'New Zealand Acoustics' Magazine is currently at print and will be posted to members in the next few weeks.
New Zealand Acoustics Vol 28, 2015 #2
Vol 28 No 2 of 'New Zealand Acoustics' Magazine is currently at print and will be posted out to Members over the next few week.
New Zealand Acoustics Vol. 29, 2016 #1
Vol 29 2016 #1 of 'New Zealand Acoustics Magazine' is current at print and will be posted out to Members over the next week or so. This issue is a special topic issue on Occupational Noise in New Zealand.
The Second Australasian Acoustical Societies’ Conference
This year’s Joint Australian and New Zealand Acoustical Societies 2nd Australasian Conference
will be held in Brisbane in November of this year. Registration is now open. Paper abstract has been extended to April 22nd. For more information please see
ASNZ 2018 Conference
The Acoustical Society of New Zealand's biennial conference for 2018 will be held in Auckland from the 12th to the 14th of November 2018. The location will be the Maritime Room, Princess Wharf.The theme for the conference is ‘Making the Building Boom Quiet!’
ASNZ Conference booklet is available
The information booklet for the 2018 ASNZ Conference is available to download.
(Click here to download the booklet)
ASNZ Conference info booklet is available
The latest version of the information booklet for the 2018 ASNZ Conference is available to download.
(Click here to download the booklet)
Journal Vol 32 Issue #2
Journal Vol 32 Issue #2 has been published. Members should have received a copy in the mail.
Old journal copies available for professional members
We have uploaded electronic versions of the journal for the last 5 years. These are available to professional members.
Acoustics 2020
The joint ASNZ and AAS conference - Acoustics 2020 - will be held in Wellington this year. At Te Papa. The conference website is live so check it out
CRAI Android app
A CRAI rating app is now available for your Android personal device.
Acoustics 2020 has been postponed.
Unfortunately due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the joint Australian/New Zealand conference has been postponed to 2022.
Check out the website at Acoustics 2022.
Conference 2021 Update
Conference 2021 is live. Check out the latest conference newsletter here. Or go to the conference page on our website here.
The Sound of a Changing World Update
The abstract submission date has been extended to Friday 11 Dec. No abstracts will be able to be accepted after this date. Notification of abstract approval will be received before Christmas, with other dates remaining the same.
Conference 2021 Update
Early-bird Registration is closing soon. Check out the latest conference newsletter. Or go to the conference page on our website here.
Conference 2021 Postponed
The ASNZ conference has been postponed due to Auckland moving to Covid alert level 3 from 15th February.
More information will follow soon.
Acoustics 2022
Abstracts are now open for the ASNZ conference (Acoustics 2022). Check out the website.