Volume 32 (2019)
Issue 1
dBWav: A software tool for analysing and viewing long-duration hydrophone measurements
Benjamin Lawrence
Aeroacoustic assessment of facades
P Kirsty Tanner, Neil Mackenzie, Richard Jones, Yong-Keat Lee
Volume 31 (2018)
Issue 3
Abundance estimation from different distributions of Damselfish using cross-correlation and three sensors
S.A. Hossain, Monir Hossen
Issue 2
Pro-active use of unattended loggers for noise and vibration monitoring
N. Jepsen
Noise and vibration design aspects for an indoor theme park
N. Mackenzie, B. Dawson, Y. Lee
Evaluation of noise exposure levels in a regional commuter aircraft
G. Philps, W. Page
Issue 1
Method to predict airborne flanking through concrete floors with nibs at the base of lightweight walls using ISO 12354-1
G. Quartaruolo, T. Beresford
Acoustical design of medium-density housing: New Zealand Research Summary
T. Phillips
Volume 30 (2017)
Issue 3
Uncertainties in Acoustics
Norm Broner
An introductory guide to uncertainty in acoustic measurements
Lindsay Hannah, Wyatt Page
Issue 2
Light, transparency and sound absorption
Christian Nocke, Jean-Marc Scherrer
Can a connecting door between two apartments be compliant with Clause G6
Peter Horne
Effect of plenum absorption on ceiling attenuation
George van Hout, William Reeve
A review of AS/NZS 2107:2016 Acoustics – Recommended design sound levels & reverberation times for building interiors
Lindsay Hannah, Wyatt Page
Issue 1
Overview of developments in the description and assessment of high intensity impulse noise exposure
Peter Teague, James Conomos , Vasos Alexandrou
Two recent sound insulation test results
Peter Horne
Forgotten linear behaviours in the sound field
Yoshimasa Sakurai, Hiroshi Morimoto
Volume 29 (2016)
Issue 2
Evaluation of occupational workplace noise levels in an enclosed workshop at KiwiRail
Elizabeth Satherely, Stuart McLaren
Evaluation of occupational noise exposure levels on the Wellington Suburban Tranz Metro Rail Service
Ka’isa Beech, Stuart McLaren
Common failings of inter-disciplinary studies on noise and the potential solutions
Stuart McLaren, Wyatt Page
Issue 1
Occupational Noise Law in New Zealand - Where will it go?
Wyatt Page
Noise Sources, Exposures and Controls in Small Enterprises in New Zealand
Ian Laird , David McBride, Wyatt Page, Stuart McLaren, Dianne Gardner
A Review of Occupational Noise in New Zealand
Lindsay Hannah, Wyatt Page, Stuart McLaren
Volume 28 (2015)
Issue 3
Managing reverse sensitivity noise & vibration effects of rail and road transport in New Zealand
Malcolm Hunt
Non-destructive assessment of wood properties in tree stems using acoustic imaging
Mathew Legg, Stuart Bradley
Modelling buildings to predict barrier effects in traffic noise models
Robbie Blakelock
Managing state highway reverse sensitivity effects
Aaron Hudson, Stephen Chiles
Issue 2
Sirens Comparison
Garry Lewis
Visualizing sound emission of elephant vocalizations: evidence for two rumble production types
Angela S. Stoeger, Gunnar Heilmann, Matthias Zeppelzauer, André Ganswindt, Sean Hensman, Benjamin D. Charlton
Comparative study of the performance of smartphone-based sound level meter Apps
David P. Robinson, James Tingay
Issue 1
The Development of a Noise and Weather Monitoring System using the Cellular Network
Neil Jepsen, Damian Ellerton
Prediction of Geothermal Two-phase Silencer Discharge Sound Level
Kim Harwood , Malcolm Hunt
Field Impact Isolation Performance of a High-End Apartment Floor
Peter Ibbotson, Malcolm Dunn
Design & Acoustic Performance of a Spring Isolated Outdoor Rooftop Basketball Court
Alex Chambell, Lloyd Cosstick, Timothy Murray, David Yates
Volume 27 (2014)
Issue 3
Determination and verification of speech intelligibility from sound systems in tunnels
Robert Waddell
An investigation of the effect of uneven blade spacing on the tonal noise generated by a mixed flow fan
Ludovic Desvard, Jeremy Hurault, Muhammad Affendi Bin, Mohamed Zamzam, Ash Symes
3D impulse response measurements of spaces using an inexpensive microphone array
Daniel Protheroe, Bernard Guillemin
The acoustical design of the Christchurch town hall
Harold Marshall
Issue 2
Specialist Tools of the Trade: A Review of NZ Acoustic Standards - 1992 to 2010
Lindsay Hannah, Wyatt Page, Stuart McLaren
Marine Bioacoustics: The Importance of Sound in the Marine Environment
Matthew K. Pine
Issue 1
Tools of the Trade: A Review of New Zealand Acoustic Standards 1977 to 2010
Lindsay Hannah, Wyatt Page, Stuart McLaren
Performance of Noise Barriers for the Night Time Operation of a Rail-freight Terminal
Giles Parker
Volume 26 (2013)
Issue 3
Increasing Obstacle Detection for Travellers with Visual Impairment: The AUDEO device
Alan Deacon, T. Claire Davies, Shane Pinder
Focused Sound Sources and the Acoustical Society of New Zealand Logo
Mark Poletti
Tranquillity in the City: A Preliminary Assessment in Christchurch
John Pearse, Greg Watts, Wan Yin Lim
Issue 2
Health Effects of Cochlear Implants
Kayla Guitar, Ellen Giles, Bill Raym, David Welch
Data Centre Cooling Strategies
Peter Horn, Gerhard Furter
Noise Source Identification Techniques: Simple to Advanced Applications
Bernard Ginn, Karim Haddad
Issue 1
Accuracy and Purpose of Building Insulation Measurements
George Dodd, Gian Schmid, Daniel Martens
European Test Standards for Noise Barriers and their Relevance to New Zealand
Giles Parker
Sound Transmission through Triple Panel Walls - Low Frequency Model
Keith Ballagh
Volume 25 (2012)
Issue 4
Improving Acoustic Insulation Using Vibration-Damping Infills in Floors
Grant Emms
Sound Field of a Directional Source in a Reverberant Room
Terence Betlehem, Mark Poletti
Neural Correlates of Noise Annoyance and Sensitivity
Jenny S.Y. Lee, Michael J. Hautus, Daniel Shepherd
Issue 3
Trailing Edge Noise Production, Prediction and Control
Con Doolan, Danielle Moreau, Elias Arcondoulis, Cristobal Albarracin
Sound Quality–Based Acoustic Optimisation for Construction Machine Operators
Eleonora Carletti, Francesca Pedrielli
The Relationship between LA90 and LAeq Wind Turbine Sound Level Descriptors in NZ
Lindsay Hannah, Wyatt Page, Stuart McLaren
Issue 2
Echolocation: An Action-Perception Phenomenon
Claudia Arias, Fernando Bermejo, Mercedes X. Hüg, Nicolás Venturelli, Diana Rabinovich, Aldo Ortiz Skarp
Understanding the Lombard Effect
James Whitlock
Lightweight Floor/Ceiling Systems with Improved Impact Sound Insulation
Hyuck Chung, Colin Fox, George Dodd, Grant Emms
Issue 1
Frequency Behaviour of Basic Floor Structures
Federica Bettarello, Patrizio Fausti, Vincenzo Baccan, Marco Caniato
Can We Save the Cost of Building Anechoic Chambers?
George Dodd, Gian Schmid
Balancing Comfortable Thermal and Acoustic Built Environments in a Sustainable Future
Michael Barclay, Jian Kang, Steve Sharples, Bo Wang, Hu Du
Volume 24 (2011)
Issue 4
Adapting Simple Prediction Methods to Sound Transmission of Lightweight Foam Cored Panels
Keith Ballagh
Neighbourhood Quiet Area Definition in the Implementation of European Directive 2002/49/EC
G. Licitra, C. Chiari, E. Ascari, D. Palazzuoli
A Pilot Study on the Acoustic Environment in Early Childhood Centres
Stuart McLaren
Environmental Monitoring using Arbitrary Microphone Arrays
Wyatt Page, Peter Driessen, Pranav Sakulkar, Farook Sattar
Issue 3
A More Than Minor Debate: The Correct use of Effects Terminology
Francelle Lupis, Kate McDonald
Recommended Noise Level Design Goals and Limits at Residential Receptors for Wind Turbine Developments in the United States
David M. Hessler, George F. Hessler Jr
Sound Attenuation in a Sandwich Floor
Delphine Bard, Anders Sjöström
Effective strategies in the prevention of noise induced hearing loss
Ian Laird, Kylie Johnston, David McBride, Karen Grimmer-Somers, Stephen Legg, Phillip Dickinson, Stuart McLaren, Dianne Gardner, Janet Hoek
Issue 2
A Review of the Adoption of International Vibration Standards in New Zealand
James Whitlock
Modelling and Experimental Validation of Complex Locally Resonant Structures
Andrew Hall, Emilio Calius, George Dodd, Eric Wester
Noise in the Shearing Industry
David McBride, Elaine Cowan Margaret Utumapu, John Wallaart
Issue 1
Determination and Display of Spatial and Temporal Room Impulse Responses
Daniel Protheroe, Bernard Guillemin
Towards “Natural” Noise Mitigation for Surface Transport
Greg Watts, Robert Pheasant, Kirill Horoshenkov
Acoustic Conditions In Sustainable Buildings – Results of a Worldwide Survey of Users’ Perceptions
George Baird, Clare Dykes
Volume 23 (2010)
Issue 3
Wind Farm Noise—The High Amenity Limit in NZS6808:2010
Paul Botha
Recreational Noise Exposure in New Zealand
Kim Dirks, Ingrid Dekker, Laura Scheib, Kierrin Svoboda, Aanchal Sharma
Issue 2
The Development and Commisioning of an IEC Standard Listening Room and Two Applications in Building Acoustics Research
Gian Schmidt, Aaron Chan
Come and Feel the Noise - A Review of Recreational Noise Associated with Two Open Air Concert Sites
Lindsay Hannah
Issue 1
Noise Control in a Sample Preparation Room
Jingnan Guo, Jie Pan
Novel Design of a Lightweight Floor/Ceiling System with Improved Impact Sound Insulation
Hyuck Chung, George Dodd, Grant Emms, Colin Fox, Ken McGunnigle, Gian Schmid
Volume 22 (2009)
Issue 4
Have We Heard The Last of Noisy Aircraft?
John. E. Cater
Improved Sound Insulated Floors for a Six Storey Timber Building System
John Chapman, George Dodd
Heat Pump Acoustics in a Typical Residential Setting
Lindsay Hannah
Issue 3
The Principles of Peer Review
Graham W F Warren, Chris W Day
The Use of Noise Perception Index (NPI) For Setting Wind Farm Noise Limits
Malcolm Hunt, Lindsay Hannah
The Noise Perception Index (NPI) for Assessing Noise Impact From Major Industrial Facilities and Power Plants in the U.S.
George F. Hessler Jr
Issue 2
Directivity Of Sound From a Metal-Clad Factory Roof
Athol Day, Peter Eisenhuth
Control of Aeolian Noise Generated by the Finned Balustrade of a Freeway Pedestrian Overpass
Andrew Mitchell, Damien Leclercq, Matthew Stead
A Longitudinal Study of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Aerobic Class Goers
Eyal Goel, Emily Lin, Ravi Sockalingam
Issue 1
Array Element Localization of a Bottom-Mounted Hydrophone Array Using Ship Noise
Gordon R. Ebbeson, Laetitia Thierion, Garry J. Heard
Comparison of Vibration Levels from a Bus Travelling over Road Cushions vs. Conventional Speed Hump
Andrew Mitchell
Carrying Out Noise Assessments for Proposed Supermarket Developments
Matthew Harwood
Volume 21 (2008)
Issue 4
Classroom Acoustics Research in New Zealand – Past, Present and Future
James Whitlock
Noise Reduction In Hydraulic System Driven By Swash Plate Pump By Optimising Its Control Unit
Molham Hasan Chikhalsouk, Rama B. Bhat
Recent Developments In Environmental Assessment Methods For Wind Turbine Noise
Brian Howe, Nick McCabe
Recent Studies Of Infrasound From Industrial Sources
William J. Gastmeier, Brian Howe
Issue 3
Environmental Law And The Expert Witness
Gordon Whiting
Assessing Risks Associated With Simple Algorithms For Calculating Effects Due To Partial Enclosure Of A Road
Cornelius Huybregts, Stephen Chiles
The Noisy Dawn of the Jet Age
Leo L. Beranek
An Investigation Into Wind Generated Aero-Acoustic Tones
Peter Alexander Ibbotson, Jason Cambridge, John Pearse
Issue 2
Communicating Performance Effectively: Noise Between Attached Domestic Dwellings
Robert Hanson
Making and Using Building Insulation Measurements
G. Dodd, G. Schmid, M. Li
Issue 1
Did You Hear That? Ultrasound Doppler Effect Allows Echolocation by All
T.Claire Davies, Shane D. Pinder, Catherine M. Burns
Assessment and Regulation of Environmental Noise — An Australian and New Zealand Comparison
Rachel Foster
Volume 20 (2007)
Issue 4
Comparison of Low Frequency Sound Insulation Field Measurement Methods
Sandy Marshall, Doheon Lee, Densil Cabrera
Wind Turbine and Wind Farm Sound Levels: A Prototype Journey
Geoff Henderson
Issue 3
The Effect of Environment on Sound Propagation
Lindsay Hannah
Carrying out Noise Assessments for Proposed Childcare Centres
Ken Scannell, Matthew Harwood
Quieter by Design
Rob Hay
Issue 2
Wind and Temperature Effects on Sound Propagation
Lindsay Hannah
Effective Noise Barrier Design and Specification
Giles Parker
Quantifying the risks from listening to personal stereos
Warwick Williams
Issue 1
An Industrial Active Noise Control Application For an Enclosure
Guillaume Barrault, Dunant Halim, Colin Hansen, Arcanjo Lenzi
Prediction of Crowd Noise
M J Hayne, R H Rumble, D J Mee
The Effect of Environment on Sound Propagation
Lindsay Hannah
Volume 19 (2006)
Issue 4
How to Avoid the Din when Dining Out
Marlene Parrish
The Serenity of the Surf
Stuart Camp
A Brief History of the Speed of Sound
Lindsay Hannah
Issue 3
Findings from Listening to Impacts on Floors
George Dodd, Grant Emms, Kenneth McGunnigle, Gian Schmid
Issue 2
Echoes from Fish: Using Lasers to Study How Much Sound Reflects off a Fish
Gavin Macaulay, Alan Hart, Paul Grimes
Issue 1
The Good, The Bad, and The Noisy
Stuart Camp
Comparison Between Theoretical Model and Experimental Data of a Light-Weight Timber Floor/Ceiling structure
Hyuck Chung, Hyuck Chung, Gian Schmid
Some Recent Findings on Field Impact Insulation (part 1)
Tony Windner
Volume 18 (2005)
Issue 4
Scattering Surfaces in Concert Halls
Stephen Chiles
Structure-borne Noise Reduction in Washing Machines: Noise Reduction by Modal Analysis
Ricky Kim, Rob Lawrence
Acoustics in the Hospitality Industry: A Subjective and Objective Analysis
L.H. Christie, J.R.H. Bell-Booth
Issue 3
Qualitative Research and Acoustics
George Dodd
Quiet Personal Computers
Samuel Clarke
A Case Study of Wellington City District Plan Change 23: Noise Insulation Rules
Lindsay Hannah
Issue 2
Disco Dreaming: Sound Insulation Between Bar and Hotel
Laurel Smith, Dan Griffin
Grading Green Timber Using Compression Waves
Grant Emms
Comments on the Form of Equal Loudness Curves
Fergus Fricke
Issue 1
Sound Reflection from a Motorway Barrier
Christopher Day
Volume 17 (2004)
Issue 4
Statistical analysis of classical piano recordings in MIDI format
Martin Keane
Issue 3
Sound and the Restaurant Environment
Lindsay Hannah
Development of Slotted Acoustic Absorbers
Michael Latimer
Why it’s so Hard to Understand Opera
Bertram Schwarzschild
Residential Sound Control Options
Rob Hallows
Issue 2
Australian Building Code Revision
Jon Farren
Creating enhanced learning environments: The benefits of soundfield amplification systems
Michael Heeney
Renovating the Royal Festival Hall
George Dodd
Air-Borne Noise Control for a Quieter Dishwasher
Ricky Kim, Wayne Mason
Issue 1
Acoustic Planning of Australian Inner City Areas: An Innovative Approach
Frank Butera, Noel Morris
Sound Classification of Dwellings
Ken McGunnigle
Understanding the Complex Nature of Piano Tone
Martin Keane
Volume 16 (2003)
Issue 4
Localisation of Sound—A New Zealand Revelation
George Dodd
A Thermal Transducing Microphone
Bevan Diprose
Issue 3
Site Acoustic Testing
Ken McGunnigle
Case Studies of a Method for Predicting Speech Privacy in the Contemporary Workplace
Charles Salter, Kevin Powell, Durand Begault, Robert Alvarado
Acoustic Design Rooms for Speech
Jon Farren
Issue 2
A Case Study of Statistical Energy Analysis: The Police Launch Deodar II
Eric Wester
Sound Insulation of Timber Framed Structures
Keith Ballagh
The ‘A’ Frequency Weighting
Ken Scannell
Acoustic Modelling: A Brief Review
Thomas Scelo
External Façade Sound Insulation and Passive Ventilation
Ken McGunnigle
Issue 1
Factors affecting comfort
Yoshimasa Sakurai
Using Sound Insulation Software To Predict Non Achievement Of Performance Standards
Peter Heinze
Positive Control of Noise from Entertainment Venues
Fred Traexler
Volume 15 (2002)
Issue 4
The Effects of Structure-Borne Noise in a Living Environment on an Offshore Vessel
Curt Robinson
Evening Noise Levels; A case for shoulder periods?
Laurie Moore
Effects of Road Texture on Traffic Noise and Annoyance at Urban Driving Speeds
Vincent K. Dravitzki, Darren Walton, Bill Wood
Issue 3
Motor Racing Noise—The Issues We Face
Ian Snellgrove
Recent Developments in the Design and Performance of Road Traffic Noise Barriers
Stephen Samuels
Issue 2
Noise Levels in Cinemas
Damian Ellerton
Adding Ceilings and Floor Coverings to a Hibond Concrete Floor
Ken McGunnigle
Transformer Noise; A Hot Problem?
Stuart Camp
Impact Sound Insulation of Timber Floors; A Forest Research Project
Grant Emms
Issue 1
Noisy or Quiet Apartments: A Bit of Forethought Required?
Neil Savory
Vehicle Audio Systems: Exterior Noise Levels
Malcolm Hunt
Suitability of New Zealand Halls for Chamber Music
Janne Sanders
A Method of Testing & Comparing Classroom Floor Noise
Stirling Burrows, K.A. Kwong Cheung, James Whitlock
Predicting Sound Absorption of Perforated & Slotted Absorbers
Keith Ballagh
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